Having trouble with today’s New York Times Letter Boxed? Don’t sweat it, we’ve got your back. But hey, why not give it another go first? It’s like finding the missing sock in the laundry – you know it’s extra satisfying when it finally shows up (but we’re here to help if you need it).

Here are today’s answers. We promise they’re correct – unlike that time your autocorrect turned ‘duck’ into something else entirely. Remember, the real fun is in the challenge, so give it your best shot before you peek. No judgment if you need a little help, though!

Quick recap: Use the letters to form words, with each new word starting with the letter the last one ended on. Make one long, glorious chain of words. And yeah, we solved it for you… because we care. Happy puzzling!

Sides of Today’s Letter Box puzzle are:


The letter boxed puzzle solutions are: